Photo Gallery of the Taranaki Historic Speedway Ass. Inc.Midget cars and drivers of the 50’s and 60’s (called speedcars in Australia)Most of these old midgets ran at Waiwakaiho at various times.John Arthur, on right, was an early competitor and first president of the New Plymouth Speedway Club at Waiwakaiho.
Theo Dodunski and his crew with his first midget.
Car 39 below was built in Palmerston North in 1946 and was restored by Eric Beardmore in 2017 in New Plymouth
Number 38 at right is another very welcome visitor to Waiwakaiho in New Plymouth. He was from Auckland. Trevor Hunter.
The car at left #91 was originally built in Auckland then rebuilt (after crashes) by Theo Dodunski and Sherlock Holmes. Currently fully restored back in New Plymouth after running in Auckland for several years then short spells in Adelaide and Brisbane.
At left is Roly Crowther in a car sponsored by Tip Top Ice Cream.
Below is ever popular Barry Handlin in his fabulous V8-60 powered midget. Almost the entire engine was chrome plated!
At right is a midget originally built by Ron Hogan of Auckland and restored around 2010 by his son Garth Hogan. Driven in this image at Meremere by ex NZ Champ Graeme Standring.
On left is one of the very first midgets built in NZ by Len Southwood. It ran in a demonstration at Taita Speedway Wellington.